Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August,11,2009

I have an interview today .....Yea.....I hope there are more out there for all of us so we can find the place where we can be used to our max!!!! Blessings...on this beautiful day!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 30,2009

Psalm 5:3.......The lord is my shepherd.... What a beautiful day.....blessings to all!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday , August 30,2009

What a beautiful day....feels like fall is coming!!! All of you out there looking for jobs....keep going !!! Hopefully the newspaper will have some good ads this weekend!!! Blessings!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Great Start!!

I scheduled my first interview...I am sooo excited...I have to remember to stay grounde and mature ...even though I want to jump through the screen and hug and kiss the person that replied!!! It isn't full time but there are possibilities...or is it that I want there to be....I also am going to contact hallmark ...I think there should be a line of cards for the unemployed...what do you think???? Blessings everyone!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 26 ,2009

Missed you all yesterday.....another application filled and delivered!! Want a reply somewhere....actually had the chance to hand deliver an application....a good feeling...I guess I will keep hoping and get back in the saddle again!!! Good luck to all you other unemployed people out there!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25,2009

Well I applied for three more jobs and no replys as of yet...they are all just missing out on a loyal, hard working employee..:) On the road again to look for work....sounds like a song :)Really I had to read Matthew 6:vs.4 several times this morning and John 14:1-6......good luck to all you job hunters out there!!!! Talk at you later....

Monday, August 24, 2009

A new week , a new outlook

This morning started with wonderful friends and food and words of encouragement.....passing it on.....wishing everyone good luck with their job hunting....a perfect fit for everyone!!! God's Blessings to us all!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sundays Weekly Filing

I really did my very best for what I had this was a week full of trying to keep my chin up....worried , anxious , and frustrated , and sad...I don't like it....went for a walk and the weather is beautiful.....people are soo happy ......helps put things to rest for the time I walk.....the Lord is Great and His world is BEAUTIFUL!!!! He will supply for my needs....He knows what job will be the best for me and I have to be patient..... I really am angry at the system because it does not help you show your best only provides to those who know how to play it....and that is not me...Please someone send something encouraging or let us help each other!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Frustrated...August 23,2009

It's Saturday and I miss my daughters back to the job of looking for a job...need a purpose to get up in the morning...I've had a baby to be that for the last three days....nothing new posted what ....the weather is beautiful...I will definitely go for a walk...I'm babysitting the dogs later this evening....sounds like a lot of focus on the job hunting doesn't it ??? I need to distract my down-in -the -dumps feeling.....How are you all doing out there ? Is anybody listening? The Joy of The Lord is My Strength!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Another Day-August 20,2009

My first reply ..wooo hooo...and the answer is NO...the position is filled ...I don't care ,I'm just happy she called back! So far to get any kind of answer from anyone is so's important we follow thru but not them? I decided if it's an employer I want to work for they will be considerate and call me back..:) I will aslo apply to another job later this morning and they actually were inviting me to come in!!! What a rare concept :) I really am not sarcastic...I know employers can be busy, busy , busy.....I just sooo want some conversation with a real professional. The weather is beautiful and today I am hopeful.....anyone out there hopeful too??

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It all started after I had a very full month of exciting one son was married , my other son graduated from highschool and my daughter had a baby...I also had another shower for my other son getting married in September.....I came back to no job....50 something and looking for a job ...not my cup of new job is looking for a job!!

Soooo every morning off to the public library ( since I have no computer). I am shocked by how many people are doing the same thing! You get to know some people and we all say the same we would rather meet and interview in person versus on the internet and/or the fax. I sell myself much better in person then on paper.....

Try to reinvent yourself , Pattie....stay positive and happy matter what....EVERYTHING is a blessing from God! I think of Corrie Ten Boom how she was able to stay positive while in a nazi camp....or Joni Erickson..... The Joy of the Lord is my strength!!

Benefits are I can watch my new granddaughter all I want....kindness from family and friends...a feeling of comfort knowing people love you and are concerned about you.....

I want to work...I miss the constructive use of my time...Sometimes I am anxious....anybody out there have any other tips for me?